Follow the instructions below to complete your registration process.
IF YOU ARE REGISTERING A COMPANY: 1. Complete a TTORC registration form (Company)
2. The company registration fee of $500 must be paid via bank transfer to: Bank: Republic Bank Branch: Valpark Acct No: 260802454901.
Keep a clearly labelled proof of payment; for eg: a paper receipt with the potential company’s name and reason for fee written clearly on, OR a clear screenshot of an online transfer with the potential comapny’s name and reason for fee in the description box or as the name of the file.
Please note this registration fee is non refundable. Any errors found in the application and/or incomplete documentation will involve reapplying for registration and a new registration fee to be paid.
3. Apply to the Secretary for registration by emailing the completed company registration form and proof of payment to [email protected].
Please note that all contact with the Secretary is via [email protected]. Any other form of messaging is not accepted as official communication.
4. If all documents are correct and there are no errors, the company registration will be reviewed at the next TTORC meeting.
5. Once the company registration is successful, they will be emailed a confirmation of approval of registration and will then be allowed to register as a Company via the Register Now button below.
Please note that you CANNOT operate for business until you have received this confirmation.